I was nominated by Patrycja and Jessica .However as I have been nominated twice and Patrycja nominated me first it is only fair that I answer her questions. Enjoy!

The Rules...
1. Answer questions that are sent to you.
2. Nominate 11 bloggers who have under 200 followers.
3. Ask them 11 unique questions.
4. Notify them that they have been nominated.
1.What are your 3 tips you would give to someone who just started blogging?
I would say promote your blog as much as you cam.Talk on twitter to other bloggers and, dont give up just keep going you will get recognized
2.What made you want to start your own blog?
It looked fun, it was a way to share my love of photography and stories.
3.What are your guilty pleasures?
Chicken nuggets.
4.Who is your celebrity fashion icon?
Alexa chung. I think she is just perfect her style is just always on point.

5.What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
This is a tough one i would have to say teaching. That's my dream job.
McBusted-Get over it. I cant wait to see them.
7.What do you look for in blogs?
Good content. Great photographs. Chatty style. Ohh and creative.
8. How did you come up with your blog name?
I dont know just.My blog is my space. My life. So yeah pretty much.
9. If you had all the money in the world what 5 things would you buy?
The cure for cancer off of the aliens.
Aston Martin db9.
Jet plane.
Zac Effron.
That was tough.
10.If you could meet anyone famous who would it be and why?
George Ezra.Hes perfect. Could sing you to sleep. Also he is so down to earth I absolutely adore him.
My questions
1. Favorite nail varnish and why?
2.If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
3. In your opinion what is the best thing about having a blog?
4.What is your favorite film and why?
5.Heels or flats?
6.Whats your best joke?
7.If you could live anywhere where would it be?
8.How much would you pay to go to space?
9.Who is your favorite band?
10.Best memory?
I nominate anyone with under 200 followers on twitter it is a great way to discover other peoples blogs. Although I will list some great blogs that need more recognition for how much effort they put into them.
1. Favorite nail varnish and why?
2.If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
3. In your opinion what is the best thing about having a blog?
4.What is your favorite film and why?
5.Heels or flats?
6.Whats your best joke?
7.If you could live anywhere where would it be?
8.How much would you pay to go to space?
9.Who is your favorite band?
10.Best memory?
I nominate anyone with under 200 followers on twitter it is a great way to discover other peoples blogs. Although I will list some great blogs that need more recognition for how much effort they put into them.
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